The Social Development Committee knows that human resources are its most valuable assets, it is important that the community have facilities and service which will provide for the well-being and development of all people, with special concern for those with unique needs.
Since the Ruritan club serves the entire community, it is in the best position to take the initiative in making these facilities and services available through club projects and cooperative programs with other organizations and agencies. The areas for consideration should include: Youth, Health, The Disabled, Senior Citizens, Drug Abuse .
Abingdon Ruritan Children’s Xmas Party 2024

Chaired by our very own special pair of Abingdon Ruritan members, Abby and Dave Bowels
The Children’s Christmas Party was filled with games, food, gifts and Santa.

Members of the Bravo Shift from the Gloucester County Sheriff’s Office are enjoying the Christmas spirit.

Donations to Union Baptist Church

Pictured are Sarah Joann Anderson and Audrey Berry of Union Baptist Church receiving a cash donation from Dave and Abby Bowles, Abington Ruritan Club.
And… Food Donations as well.

Pictured is Pastor Berry of Union Baptist Church receiving a 150 pound food donation for their food pantry from Dave Bowles, Abington Ruritan Club.
Pictured is Stephanie Todd, Social Worker at the Salvation Army, receiving a $500.00 donation from Abby Bowles, Abington Ruitian Club.


Pictured is Tessa of the GUEST Program, receiving a cash donation from Dave Bowles, Abington Ruitian Club.

Pictured is Diane Plentovich, Treasurer, Habitat for Humanity Gloucester, receiving a cash donation from Abby Bowles, Abington Ruitian Club.

Monique Raposs, Executive Director, Bread for Life Community Food Pantry, receiving a $1000.00 donation from Abby Bowles, Social Development Committee Chair of the Abington Ruritan Club.
The food pantry has been serving Gloucester County Virginia Since 2009

Food Donations
Every month the Abingdon Ruritan Club collects food for a needy cause. The June meeting targeted food for our favorite pets in need. 75lbs of pet food was collected from Ruritan members and donated to Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society.

Pictured are Caitlin Donnelly, Abigail Lucas and Dave Bowles – ARC Social Development Chair.

Volunteering in our Public Schools
On May 31, 2024 the ARC Social Development Committee led by David and Abby Bowles organized their committee to participate in the Reality Store event at Page Middle School. The middle school students participated in purchasing real life items and services to live in the community. There were many decisions to be made and their lively hood depended on how they prioriticed their spending habits. It was a very fun and informative event for the students.

Top left Committee Chair, David Bowles. Top right Gary Bergtholdt. Bottom left Roger Dick. Bottom right Scott Omstead and Abby Bowles.

Helping Others
The Abingdon Ruritan Club presented a check for $1300.00 to send Gloucester kids to 4-H Camp this summer. Shown presenting the check to Krista Gustafson, Gloucester Unit Coordinator, 4-H Extension Agent and ARC members Mary Lou & Danny Privott. The ARC is proud to assist the Gloucester 4-H with needed funds to support a safe and learning environment for the youth of Gloucester.

Christmas at ARC
Our club held its annual Children’s Christmas Party on December 3rd from 2-4 pm. Activities included our customary “cake walk” game, (where winners got to select tasty deserts donated by our membership), and lots of fun, old-fashioned skill games with prizes for the winners.
Kids also participated in constructing Christmas related arts and crafts, such as making Christmas ornaments, candy cane reindeer and decorating a felt Christmas tree. All kids received a goody bag and toy, and were eligible to win either a bicycle or scooter! …and of course, special guests Santa and Mrs. Claus made a visit!

Donating to our Community
The Abingdon Ruritan Club is proud to support the Habitat for Humanity cause with a $1000 donation. John Snyder presented the check to Mike Davis of Habitat for Humanity at the July 10th 2023 meeting.

Pete Shepherd Memorial Fundraising
On June 11, 2023 the Colonial Corvette Club showed off their beautiful cars at the Abingdon Ruritan Club and helped feed the hungry of Gloucester County. The Pete Shepherd Memorial fundraising event netted 337 pounds of food and $470.00 of cash donations. The food and monetary donations were delivered to Susan Wesley Methodist Church and Bread for Life Food Banks.

John Horn, (right) and Dan Lively presenting Abby Bowles (middle) food and cash donations.

Abby Bowles along with Colonial President John Horn and photo of Pete Shepherd.
Volunteering in the Schools
Realty Store May 2023

Reality Store February 2023
Reality Store is a wonderful hands-on experience for 8th graders where they are given a family situation (income, marital status, children, etc.) and are asked to use their money income to make decisions on things like housing, transportation, food, clothing, entertainment, etc. Volunteers are needed to staff each booth representing one of these expenses to help explain the options to the students.

Nine ARC members helped out with the Reality Store simulation at Peasley Middle School on 2/17/23.

Volunteers are need to staff each booth representing one of these expenses to help explain the options to the students.

Helping our Community
Chuck Harris, Board of Director member of the Abingdon Ruritan Club presented a $2000.00 donation to the Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic. Accepting the donation is Maureen Crone the Marketing and Development Director at GMCC.

The mission of the Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic is to provide community-based healthcare for the residents of Gloucester and Mathews counties, and select surrounding areas, who lack health insurance, or are covered by Medicaid.
ARC Always Giving to the Community
On June 13, 2023 Mary Lou Privott, Abingdon Ruritan Club, presented Alyssa Grant, Gloucester Unit Director, Boys & Girls Club, with a box of individually wrapped snacks for the children attending the Club. The very appreciative Ms. Grant commented that donations are always appreciated at the Club.
