The purpose of this committee is to assist in providing and maintaining economic stability and growth in production, commerce,
and services in the community. The areas for consideration
should include: Agriculture, Industry Services, Trades Professions.
Staying In Touch

The Guest Speaker at the Abingdon Ruritan Club meeting on May 20th was Jean Duggan who is affiliated with Bay Aging. She gave a very informative and useful talk on Medicare Fraud, and distributed handout materials. She is shown in the picture with Club Program Manager, Mary Lou Privott.


The Abingdon Ruritan Club successfully participated in the 2024 Daffodil Festival with Regina Scott chairing the Community Engagement committee. The Committee along with other members of the ARC handcrafted and sold 50 bluebird houses at the 2 day Festival. The funds raised directly benefits the ARC initiatives supporting various community projects in Gloucester.
Featured in the photo from left to right, Mary Lou Privott, Mike Crandell, Liz Simmons, Rick and Regina Scott.

The Abingdon Ruritan Club presented a check for $1300.00 to send Gloucester kids to 4-H Camp this summer. Shown presenting the check to Krista Gustafson, Gloucester Unit Coordinator, 4-H Extension Agent and ARC members Mary Lou & Danny Privott. The ARC is proud to assist the Gloucester 4-H with needed funds to support a safe and learning environment for the youth of Gloucester.

Community Partner Involvement

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books free of charge to children from birth to age five funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners.
A Gloucester installment of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library went live in 2023 spearheaded by then, ARC’s Engagement Committee Chair, Marsha Weatherwax, who is patterning with other local community organizations.
The group’s goal is to get DPIL books into family’s homes for the summer and encourage families to read to their children.
Community Engagement Chair, Regina Scott (right) presented a $2453.33 check to Kyle DeGood for the Dolly Pardon Imagination Library. The library is dedicated to inspire a love of reading by gifting books free of change to children from birth to age five.

Our Club partners with many organizations in the Community.